Opening of the site of Eurocol

The site of Eurocol is under construction...

All the links are not still present. The site is in the course of referencing but that moves forward, 

I would of course like to enrich the various pages of this site and certain tickets will be dedicated:

History, techniques, chronology of THE currency generally, and our recent European currencies.

The relation between the Euro and the former currencies is fascinating and thus, any piece of information on these subjects can be handled in a section " Before the Euro ".

The ethnic relations between the various current European States and the former politico-geographical cuts of Europe, as well as the common roots of the peoples which created Europe certainly are to be developed in " human Relations "

Other subjects to be developed:

Express yourselves: the links, the anecdotes, the personal experiences, will certainly be welcomed well...

The criticisms, the suggestions, the ideas are quite welcome 

The main part: I would hate knowing that it exists mistakes of spelling, grammar or English on this site; do not hesitate to inform me about it.


Collections currency History of the currency Numismatics

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