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The coins of the Luxemburg currency

Luxembourg possesses two national series

The one previous in 2007, the other one from 2007

The Grand duchy of Luxembourg does not strike its own coins. These were struck by:

  • The Netherlands until 2004. 

  • Finland - 2005 and 2006. 

  • France since 2007.

These coins present one unique motive :

The Effigy of His Royal Highness grand duke Henri

Repartition : 8 - 1 motive


Slice of the 2€ Luxemburg coin

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The unique motive of the Luxemburg coins

Carousel of the Luxemburg coins

The 2 series of the Luxemburg coins



Luxemburg in a few figures

   Official name : Big Duchy of the Luxembourg
   Area : 2 586 km²
   Population : 502 000
   Density : 181 hab/km²
   Political : Unitary parlementary constitutionnal Monarchy   
   Capital : Luxembourg
   Languishes : French, German

   Slogan : « We want to remain what we are »

Coat of arms of the Luxembourg    Lubl

National anthem : Luxembourg our Homeland

The Grand duchy of Luxembourg

      The Luxembourg, in long shape the Grand duchy of Luxembourg, in Luxemburger Lëtzebuerg and Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg, in German Luxemburg and Großherzogtum Luxemburg, is a western european country without access to the sea. It is lined by Belgium on the West and in the North, Germany in the East, and France in the South. It includes two main regions: Oesling in the North, which is a part of the massif of the Ardennes, and Gutland in the South, the continuation of the Lorraine in the geologic direction of the term. The Luxembourg account 576 249 inhabitants in 2016, and extends over a surface of 2 586 km2, making of him one of the smallest sovereign nations of Europe.


          The Luxembourg, in long shape the Grand duchy of Luxembourg, in Luxemburger Lëtzebuerg and Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg, in German Luxemburg and Großherzogtum Luxemburg, is a western european country without access to the sea. It is lined by Belgium on the West and in the North, Germany in the East, and France in the South. It includes two main regions: Oesling in the North, which is a part of the massif of the Ardennes, and Gutland in the South, the continuation of the Lorraine in the geologic direction of the term. The Luxembourg account 576 249 inhabitants in 2016, and extends over a surface of 2 586 km2, making of him one of the smallest sovereign nations of Europe.

The Luxembourg is a member of the European Union (which it is one of the six country founding), of the Eurozone, the NATO, the OECD, the UNO and the Benelux, reflecting its political consensus in favour of the economic, political and military integration. The city of Luxembourg, its capital and its most big city, is the siege of several establishments and institutions of the EU. In 2012, the Luxembourg was elected for the first time by its history to a temporary siege in the United Nations Security Council. Because of its geographical position, the Luxemburg culture is a fusion of Germanic and Romanic Europe, joining each both. Therefore, the Luxembourg is a trilingual country: the Luxemburger, French and German are three official languages and, since 1984, the Luxemburger has legally the status of "national language"
Continuation Wikipedia

Last edited: Wed 08 sep 2021

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